Adieu, la France!

11:32 27.12.2023 •

An ‘OpinionWay’ survey carried out  December 21 revealed that a majority of young French people aged 18 to 24 say they are determined to leave France due to the political and economic climate.

According to an ‘OpinionWay’ survey carried out for Économie matin, 54% of French people aged 18 to 24 are determined to leave France. The current political and economic climate is pushing a majority of citizens to want to emigrate. Nationally, 69% of French people would be tempted to leave the country.

Furthermore, the survey revealed that these are the voters of ‘La France insoumise’, the ‘National Rally’ and ‘Reconquête!’ who are the most motivated to want to emigrate. Thus, 39% of voters for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and 36% of supporters of Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour are tempted to leave France.

French people who voted blank or abstained during the previous presidential election represented 38% of those surveyed.

Conversely, only 14% of Emmanuel Macron's voters say they are determined to leave France.

Regarding the destinations that French people considering expatriation would choose, North America comes in first position (36%), and in particular Canada (28%).

Up to 31% of respondents are considering moving to Europe, particularly to Germany (7%), Italy (6%) or the United Kingdom (5%).

Africa is the third continent mentioned (9%), followed by Asia (6%), Australia (6%) and finally South America (4%).


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