The main question: Who is in charge of America?

The main question: Who is in charge of America?

Who is in charge of America? While it might be impossible to confidently call the …

Russian, Chinese bombers off Alaska: “It is a very big USA concern”

Russian, Chinese bombers off Alaska: “It is a very big USA concern”

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has found two Russian and two Chinese bombers …

Europe doubles down on protracted war in Ukraine

Europe doubles down on protracted war in Ukraine

On July 18, the European Parliament elected German conservative Ursula von der Leyen to a …

LNG terminals built in Germany turned out to be of no use to anyone

LNG terminals built in Germany turned out to be of no use to anyone

German state-owned operator Deutsche Energy Terminal GmbH (DET) will hold new capacity auctions for its …

  • Illiberalism in International Relations
    There are two main schools in the theories of International Relations – Realism and Liberalism. …
  • Senior Russian diplomat: Risks of direct armed clash between nuclear powers as high
    Senior Russian diplomat sees risks of direct armed clash between nuclear powers as high. Russian …
  • Vladimir Putin sets conditions for Ukraine peace talks: Full Ukrainian withdrawal from new Russian regions
    Russia did not start the war as part of a special military operation, it is …