American and European rulers are panicking and trying out all sorts of irrational options

11:41 27.08.2024 •

Zelensky and… inanition.

"Whatever remains of the West will be an increasingly artificial and even insane attempt to stop the wheel of history."
Oswald Spengler

We are approaching a turning point in History, writes a Turkish newspaper ‘Sabah’.

Against the backdrop of the struggle between the West and the rising Asia-Pacific region on the world stage, especially in Gaza, where the barbaric genocide continues, and in Ukraine, where hostilities continue, events are taking place that are turning into a nightmare for the "Atlantic world".

The thesis put forward a hundred years ago by the German historian Oswald Spengler in his book "The Decline of the West" is confirmed: "Whatever remains of the West will be an increasingly artificial and even insane attempt to stop the wheel of history."

At present, American and European rulers, caught in a vicious circle of desperate strategies, are panicking and trying out all sorts of irrational options.

First of all, these are manipulations of psychological warfare to influence world public opinion in connection with the upcoming inevitable defeat in Ukraine. It is precisely this circumstance that has caused talk of "the growing risk of a third world war and a nuclear conflict."

The trump cards of terrorism and dangerous diseases like COVID-19 have not worked and even backfired.

The most telling illustrations of the West's defeat are its fiasco in Ukraine and the global response to the genocide in the Gaza Strip.

As Japanese analyst Jan Krikke notes, the Ukrainian conflict is exacerbating the collapse of the West. The West, led by the United States, has dragged Ukraine into a war it has no chance of winning.

In Ukraine, the West made a major strategic bet and ultimately lost.

The plan was as follows: "Paralyzing" sanctions against Russia would undermine the Russian economy, which would lead to a popular uprising and a pro-Western leader would replace Putin. However, all these plans collapsed: Putin turned out to be a tough nut to crack.

The main strategic goal of the West, led by the United States, was to encircle Russia, which had lost the Cold War, and turn it into a ‘pariah state’.

The path to achieving this goal lay through the successive takeover of countries around Russia – through occupation, color revolutions, and coups.

The United States has seen changes in administrations and presidents, but this general strategy has remained unchanged. The first to push the button was Bill Clinton, who ruled from 1993 to 2001. As a result of the "bulldozer revolution" of 2000, the then Serbian leadership was overthrown, and Yugoslavia officially disintegrated.

The policy, which after Clinton continued in various countries in Russia's "backyard" by Bush Jr., Barack Obama, and Donald Trump, culminated in the years of Joe Biden.

In the end, the strategy of ‘encircling’ Russia and taking it over through regime change, initiated by the United States in the 2000s, turned into a proxy war in Ukraine in 2022.

But now the end of the road is in sight. None of the five US presidents could "lay down" Putin's hand in this confrontation. And now preparations for a handshake have begun.

The US is sending the appropriate signals.


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