British life-style: The art of dying – it's cheaper to bury than to cure

11:01 21.09.2024 •

Canada has some horrific stories about people in poverty or otherwise experiencing difficulties in simply living, being able to kill themselves with the actual encouragement of the state – euthanasia. People whose lives are not threatened are being advised that killing themselves (i.e. getting help with that) is a “viable option,” ‘The Liberty Beacon’ writes.

MPs could be given a vote to legalise assisted dying – euthanasia before the end of the year, Sir Keir Starmer has said. The Prime Minister confirmed he ready to fast-track legislation to allow the terminally ill to end their own lives, saying there is 'a case to be made for changing the law'.

Labour MPs dominated the results of the annual private members' bill ballot which decides who will have the chance to put forward their own legislation.

Backbencher Jake Richards, who came 11th in the ballot, has offered to put forward an assisted dying bill.

But, as he is too low in the list to guarantee a debate, Labour MPs higher up are being urged to take up the proposal.

One Labour MP on the list said he had been offered two extra staff members to help him draft a bill if he proposed legalising assisted dying.

When the issue was last debated by the Commons in 2015, it was defeated on a free vote by 330 votes to 118.

But it stands a greater chance of being passed now because of the influx of new Labour MPs, who are expected to back it, and the PM's support.

The new law is expected to allow terminally-ill adults with a life expectancy of less than six months to end their lives with medical help.

But any move to change the law would spark an intense moral debate – and split Sir Keir's Cabinet.

The PM said he backed a change in the law.

'I will look at the legislation first,' he said. 'In principle, I think there's a case to be made for changing the law but I wouldn't go as far as to say… I want to look at exactly what the safeguards are because that's really important within it.'

But Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has already said she will oppose it, telling the Spectator this year:

'I know some of the MPs who vocally support this issue think, 'For God's sake, we're not a nation of granny killers, what's wrong with you'… I feel that once you cross that line, you've crossed it forever. If it just becomes the norm that at a certain age or with certain diseases, you are now a bit of a burden… that's a really dangerous position to be in.'

…On 26th July, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Lord Falconer of Thoroton, introduced (yet again) his Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill in the House of Lords. This will be his fifth attempt to introduce this pernicious and damaging legislation, supposedly giving the terminally ill the right to choose the time and manner of their death. But this time it is different because this time the Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, has pledged his full support to its being passed, stresses ‘The Liberty Beacon’. “Let us make no mistake, a vote for assisted dying is a vote for euthanasia because the two are indissolubly joined in unholy matrimony, as demonstrated in all the jurisdictions where it has so far been passed. If this damaging and dangerous Bill should become law for the UK, we will be opening the door to incredible abuse and leaving people of all ages terrified of going into hospital.”

…”The art of dying”. British style…


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