A MailOnline graphic illustrating everything you need in your emergency survival kit, according to the Government website.
Supermarkets urge against panic buying as Government launches 'preppers' website - warning families to start a national crisis 'emergency kit' of tinned food, batteries and bottled water, writes The Daily Mail.
The Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden advises people to make contingency plans for dealing with potential emergencies to help build 'national resilience' and ease pressure on emergency services. He wants to encourage families to stock up with enough food and water to survive for three days in the event of an emergency like a flood.
Whitehall sources insisted that the plan was not designed to create a nation of US-style survivalists. One said Mr Dowden's intervention was not meant to be 'alarmist' and was simply 'common sense' advice.
Retailers warned shoppers to take time building their supplies instead of resorting to Covid-style panic buying, which saw shelves cleared of essentials such as toilet paper and pasta.
The emergency survival kit that will get you through a national crisis:
- Battery or wind-up torch
- Portable power bank for charging a mobile phone.
- Battery or wind-up radio to get updates during a power cut
- Spare batteries for torches and radio
- A first aid kit with waterproof plasters, bandages, gloves, antiseptic, tweezers, medical tape, eyewash solution and sterile dresses
- Hand sanitiser and wet wipes
- Bottled water
- Non-perishable food that doesn't need cooking
- Pet food
- Baby supplies including nappies and baby form
It is advisable to build the emergency kit over time rather than buying all of the items at once.
'While it is sensible to have some additional food at home, most households will find they already have sufficient non-perishables sitting in the cupboard.'
Ministers believe preparations by individual households will help take pressure off the emergency services when dealing with a crisis.
The website, prepare.campaign.gov.uk, aims to make sure people are aware of the risks in their local area so they can plan appropriately.
As per the advice, households should put together emergency kits at home.
Last year Mr Dowden said people should stock up on 'analogue capabilities', such as candles, torches and wind-up radios, to boost their 'personal resilience'.
The Prime Minister warned last week that Britain had 'some of its most dangerous years' ahead and was at a security 'crossroads'.
Describing the threats on the rise, Rishi Sunak highlighted a new axis of anti-western states including China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.
Among other challenges were rising immigration and artificial intelligence.
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