CNN: Israeli ambassador shreds UN document in angry speech

11:12 12.05.2024 •

Israel's Ambassador Gilad Erdan brought a small shredder and shredded the charter of the United Nations' charter during a speech before the UN assembly. The United Nations passed a resolution that called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestinian membership in the UN, CNN informs.

The General Assembly voted 143 to 9 in favour of urging the Security Council to recognise Palestine, 25 countries abstained. Only the Security Council can decide on full recognition of a state in the UN, notes ‘The Independent’.

Israel's United Nations ambassador physically fed a mock copy of the U.N. charter into a shredder to illustrate what he said was the General Assembly's disregard for the document as delegates voted to advance Palestinian membership to the world body, writes ‘USAToday’. The stunt came just before the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a resolution asking the Security Council to make Palestine, which has U.N. observer status, into a full member.

A furious Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan, invoking the Holocaust, World War Two and the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, ripped his colleagues for wanting to "advance the establishment of a Palestinian terror state led by the Hitler of our time."

Earlier, Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour spoke with emotion about the death toll in Gaza and cited the anti-war protests at Columbia University as he implored the assembly to vote "Yes." In the face of a looming Israeli invasion of Rafah, he said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was "ready to kill thousands more for his political survival."

UN Secretary-General spokesman Farhan Haq said that even though Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan shredded a copy of the Charter, it remains intact as long as the UN continues to exist, and all member states are expected to fulfill their obligation to respect the founding document.

"The charter is something that will stay with us, and it's the founding document of this organization, and as long as this organization exists, the Charter exists," Haq told reporters. "This is an organization that is premised on respect for the UN Charter, and all the member states have pledged to uphold the UN Charter, and we expect them to fulfill that obligation," Haq said.

Palestine has held permanent ‘Observer’ status at the UN since 2012, while Israel has been a full member of the organization since 1948.


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