Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: "I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication"

11:24 31.07.2024 •

Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace (photo): "I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.

"There is no definitive scientific proof that CO2 is responsible for any of the slight warming of the global climate that has occurred during the last 300 years.

"But there is certainty beyond a reasonable doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth, and that without its presence in the global atmosphere… this would be a dead planet."

Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore explains to ELN why he believes carbon dioxide is "good" and climate change is a "fabrication."

Patrick Moore: If we had definitive proof that CO2 was causing serious problems and we could prove it, don't you think they would write that down on a piece of paper somewhere so people could read it? They don't have definitive proof period. In science I'm a student of the philosophy and history of science and I know that scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the earth to warm.

ELN: You think in a few years from now, people will go that was a really stupid period in history. When we tried to change all our energy policies to cut this gas?

Moore: I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.


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