General Flynn: “Ukraine is a hub for human trafficking. It’s a hub for, specifically, child trafficking”

11:54 12.04.2024 •

An unexpected explanation for Washington's desire to support the Kyiv regime with money and weapons was given by the former national security adviser to the 45th US President, General Michael Flynn. In his opinion, Ukraine has turned into a kind of center for laundering huge sums of money, in which the highest ranks of the presidential administration and the Pentagon are interested.

“Why is Ukraine so important? This is a center of human trafficking. This is a child trafficking center. This is a drug trafficking center. This is the center of the arms trade,” Flynn said.

He added that thanks to the confession of former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, the whole world now knows about American biological laboratories in Ukraine. The retired general believes that the huge financial flows directed to the territory controlled by the Kyiv regime are, in fact, a kind of laundry.

“Huge amounts of money are flowing into this country. And you ask yourself, where does this money go? This is money laundering. There are several people. I think one of them is someone from the Department of Defense, perhaps the Secretary of Defense or someone around him. They buy these giant houses for millions of dollars. And you ask yourself: how can this be?” – explained the retired official.


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