German MP: Europe requires an autonomous foreign and security policy independent from Washington

10:28 17.02.2023 •

Sevim Dagdelen, a German politician (photo) and a member of the Left Party in an interview with ‘Global Times’ said that sending increasingly heavy weapons to Ukraine heightens the risks of the conflict spilling over into World War III and that it is German people that are suffering.

The deliveries of increasingly heavy weapons to Ukraine in ever greater numbers, as well as the training of Ukrainian service personnel, heighten the risk of the war spilling over into World War III. That concern is shared by two-thirds of the German population. So, we are not isolated at all in this question, she said.

Led by the US and UK, the West is putting its faith in a proxy war and a war of attrition. The aim is to weaken Russia for the long term and to achieve that, the West is willing to accept tens of thousands of deaths and limitless suffering, as well as the destruction of Ukraine.

The extension of the economic war means we are actually pursuing economic suicide at the moment, committed by the German government through the sanctions against Russia. The economic war with Russia is jeopardizing Germany's entire prosperity model.

The Western sanctions have not ended the war. Instead, they are acting like a boomerang. They are hitting us, the people and industry in Germany.

After all, Russia's revenue from energy exports, despite falling sales and volumes, is higher than a year ago, thanks to the sanctions having driven up the prices. So, the price of these nonsensical sanctions is being paid by the general public who are suffering high inflation and exploding energy and food costs, while the oil corporations and arms companies are making profits.

Should gas deliveries from Russia cease, we will face a disaster in Germany such as we have not known since the global economic crisis during the Weimar Republic.

It has been calculated that in the event of stopping Russian gas deliveries, Germany's economic output would plummet by more than 12 percent in the subsequent six months. And more than 5.6 million jobs would be at risk. So, the German government must immediately end the suicidal economic war for the good of the people of Germany.

NATO's US-led wars around the world, from the attack on Yugoslavia in 1999, 20 years in Afghanistan with more than 200,000 killed Afghans and several war crimes and the destruction of Libya, show that NATO is not a defensive alliance, but the world's largest war machine. And NATO countries pursue economic and geopolitical interests without consideration. That's why we need a security architecture in Europe for the security and certainty of the people in Europe, which includes the European countries. We cannot change the geography. Russia is part of Europe and we have to deal with it.

The other thing is the enlargement of NATO and its strategic concept now. NATO is called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Now, in its strategic concept, NATO takes into focus the Indo-Pacific region. The Indian Ocean or the Pacific Ocean is far away from the north Atlantic.

The European Union has existential interests in not letting itself be drawn into the conflict between the great nuclear powers like the US, Russia and China. This will require an autonomous foreign and security policy, independent from Washington. And the principal goal must be to ensure that our continent does not become a nuclear battlefield.

The interests of Europe and European countries and the interests of the US fundamentally diverge on this point. Because as the latter is prepared to fight to the last Ukrainian standing for the sake of a Russian military defeat – that's the position of the US, the European Union must not submit to its interest and strategy.

Although this may seem utopian to many people in Germany today at this moment, our long-term goal has to be to dissolve NATO and replace it with a collective security system that has disarmament and cooperation as its overarching objective.

There will be no peace in Europe without or against Russia. This is what we have to learn from the current crisis.

We have to have a security architecture, which is respecting each other's interests, stressed Sevim Dagdelen.


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