Inflation in Italy: The “most odious” tax on people’s financial situation

15:59 08.07.2023 •

In its annual report, Italy’s ‘Antitrust’ authority has shed light on the significant impact of inflation on the financial well-being of individuals and households. Described as the “most odious” tax, inflation has dealt a severe blow to the savings of over half of Italian families in the past year.

The report emphasizes the disproportionate burden borne by those with lower spending capacity, further exacerbating the financial challenges faced by vulnerable populations.

President Roberto Rustichelli of the antitrust authority has emphasized that inflation weighs heavily on families with limited financial resources. This echoes the widely accepted notion among economists that inflation disproportionately affects the needy rather than the wealthy.

As prices rise, the value of savings diminishes, making it increasingly difficult for families to maintain their standard of living. The impact is particularly pronounced for workers on fixed incomes, such as retirees or individuals with stagnant wages, as their purchasing power diminishes over time.

Moreover, the antitrust authority’s report reveals that during 2022, a significant number of Italian families experienced a significant erosion of their savings. This disconcerting trend is attributed, in part, to the failure of interest rates on deposits to keep pace with the rising interest rates charged by banks for loans.

As a result, families and businesses faced increased borrowing costs while their savings remained stagnant, resulting in a decline in overall financial security.


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