‘Javan’: “We can observe the processes of transformation and global changes in the World Order”

11:28 12.04.2023 •

The nature of the new world order that is being built right now, in real time, depends to a large extent on the Middle East, on all the countries of this region, both larger and more influential, and those that previously did not enjoy serious influence – now much in the modern world depends on much more so than before, ‘Javan’ writes from Iran.

Global and regional events, their speed, development and scale have led to the fact that the transition to a new stage in the formation of the World Order and a new regional order parallel to it is also taking place with great acceleration.

In such a situation, the only way for the United States not to lose its power over the global World Order, not to be a loser in the face of new powers and new poles of power in the world system, was to escalate tension in different regions of the world, wage controlled wars, primarily against Russia and China, in the hope of undermining their influence, or at least slowing down their transition to the status of powers – global leaders and competitors of the United States.

Now, it would seem that the most appropriate style of US foreign policy, as America's longtime and traditional allies have already agreed, is to maintain influence in Western Europe and the Western Hemisphere. But now, here too, America's umbrella of influence and power does not look as unshakable as it seemed a couple of decades ago. Even here, the possibilities to guarantee the preservation of its unconditional influence are very limited.

Consequently, in such conditions, on the contrary, the opportunities for the Arab countries to act more independently, to build alternative alliances with new centers of power, that is, with India, Russia, China, to interact more widely within the framework of OPEC+, without looking back to the West, to determine the volume of oil production on the level at which it is beneficial to them, and not to the Western powers.

If we now take a closer look at the recently concluded agreements between Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain with Iran, we will see that all these traditional and historical allies of America and the West understood and recognized: their previous efforts, both undertaken individually and with the instigation and encouragement of the West , all projects and plans, built only with the support of the West, turned out to be fruitless.

Now we can observe the processes of transformation and global changes in the World Order.

We inevitably have to look at these processes with an eye on what is happening in the Middle East, since now this region is at the very epicenter of all changes, and not on the sidelines.

All of America's allies' failure rates have, on the one hand, increased tenfold, and on the other hand, the resistance that has risen sharply over the past two decades is clear evidence that the old regional and world order has collapsed.

We are in the process of forming a new regional and World Order, the main basis of which is no longer the dictate of the West, but resistance to dictate, ‘Javan’ stresses.


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