Matteo Salvini on EU summit appointments: “What is happening smells like a coup”

9:08 30.06.2024 •

“What is happening” regarding personnel appointments in the leadership of the European Union “smells like a coup,” said the leader of the Italian League and Deputy Prime Minister of the Italian Government Matteo Salvini (photo).

“Millions of Europeans voted and called for changing Europe. What do those who make the decisions in the EU tell you? They propose the same person to the leadership – von der Leyen.

“I think it is absolutely disrespectful, arrogant if they prefer to appoint someone to the chair instead of relying on a popular vote, then I assure you on behalf of the League.

“Italy, that we will brand them centimeter by centimeter, we will not let them pass. We will protect the votes of Italians.”


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