Mike Pompeo acknowledged the weakening of the United States due to the Ukrainian conflict

12:08 03.10.2023 •

Mike Pompeo

The United States and European countries were weakened due to the armed conflict in Ukraine. This was stated in an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini by former head of the US State Department Mike Pompeo, who at one time headed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

According to Pompeo, the special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces that began in 2022 had a serious negative impact on the United States and Europe. America, Pompeo argues, has lost its ability to contain Russia.

For the current situation, Republican Pompeo blames the current US President, Democrat Joe Biden. He argues that the world has become much less safe since Biden took office. The interests of Americans and the political traditions of the United States faded into the background.

Among the main problems of the United States, Pompeo mentions the huge federal debt, the loss of America's leadership in the energy industry and the obvious deterioration in the quality of life of ordinary citizens of the country associated with a large-scale increase in living costs.

According to the ex-Secretary of State, the United States can be restored to its former greatness only if the Republican Party candidate wins the presidential election.

The most prominent Republican candidates now are former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Both Trump and Desantis have repeatedly raised the topic of US military and financial assistance to Ukraine, calling for, if not abandoning it altogether, then significantly reducing its volume. Speaker of the US House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy argues that national interests for America should be a priority over military assistance to Ukraine, although, in his opinion, it is not necessary to refuse the latter.


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