NATO troops, disguised as mercenaries, control MLRS, air defense in Ukraine

12:16 20.02.2024 •

On January 24, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down a Russian Air Force Il-76 military transport plane over the Belgorod region that was carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners set for exchange.

Kyiv's British advisers are responsible for the deaths of the POWs and the crew of the Il-76 transport plane, which was shot down by a Ukrainian missile, an informed source familiar with the situation has told Sputnik.

"The attack on the Il-76 was carried out under pressure from British advisers without coordination with the air defense headquarters in Kyiv and without additional double-checking of information on aircraft movements over the Belgorod region," the source said.

Six Russian crew members, three Russian servicemen, and 65 Ukrainian POWs on board the airplane were killed after a missile hit the Il-76 over the Belgorod Region on January 24. The aircraft was en route for a planned prisoner exchange that was subsequently canceled.

The Russian Investigative Committee said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces used a MIM-104A guided missile fired from a Patriot system to shoot down the plane.

Vladimir Putin called the attack a crime by the Kyiv regime against its own citizens. According to him, the Ukrainian side knew there were POWs from the Ukrainian Armed Forces on board, but still attacked it. The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the plane crash raises a big question about the possibility of any agreements with Kyiv.

President of Ukraine and the head of the British Foreign Office.

NATO troops "control air defense systems, tactical missiles and multiple launch rocket systems, and are part of assault detachments," Colonel General Sergey Rudskoy said, TASS informs.

Military personnel from NATO countries, under the guise of mercenaries, operate air defense systems, multiple launch rocket systems, and tactical missile systems in Ukraine, Colonel General Sergey Rudskoy, chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff and First Deputy Chief of the General Staff, said in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

"NATO military personnel, under the guise of mercenaries, participate in hostilities. They control air defense systems, tactical missiles and multiple launch rocket systems, and are part of assault detachments," he said.

According to him, NATO officers "directly" prepare military operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Earlier, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that since the beginning of the special operation, the Russian Armed Forces had eliminated more than 5,800 foreign mercenaries.

The Defense Ministry said that amid the disruption of mobilization plans and in order to conceal massive losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Kyiv, in coordination with the CIA, has intensified the recruitment of mercenaries.

Fighters from the United States, Canada, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East have joined the ranks of the Ukrainian military.

Ukraine announced that more than 20,000 foreign volunteers from over 52 different countries had arrived. Many of the new arrivals were well trained with prior military experience. These included veterans who served in the British Army, US Army and US Marine Corps (photo):



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