Only 19% of Americans have confidence in Biden’s handling of Ukraine conflict

13:01 28.02.2023 •

An Associated Press and NORC poll has found that fewer than 20 percent of Americans have a “great deal” of confidence in the way Joe Biden is involving the U.S. in the Ukraine conflict.

The survey reveals that only 19% of the public have a “great deal” of confidence in Biden’s ability, while 37% say they have “only some” confidence,” and 43% have “hardly any” confidence.

The poll also found that only 42% approve of the way Biden is handling the U.S.’ relationship with Russia, while 54% disapprove.

The poll also found that a quarter of respondents believe the U.S. shouldn’t be playing any role in the war, with a further 49% saying that the U.S. should only have minor role.

Just 26% believe the U.S. should be playing a major role.

The poll also found that while 59% of Democrats said they were in favour of sending government funds directly to Ukraine, just 21% of Republicans concur.

The figures represent a decrease in support among both groups, as last year 63% of Democrats and 28% of Republicans said they were in favour.

And these are the results of a poll from the Gallup Group:


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