Poll in France: People against airplanes

10:32 01.10.2023 •

The percentage of people who are willing to limit their airplane travel or even give it up altogether.

On May 30, engineer Jean-Marc Iancovici, an expert on climate change, called for a sharp restriction of air travel and stated the need to set a quota of 4 flights per person over a lifetime.

The CSA Institute wanted to find out the attitude towards flying in France. A survey has been conducted among the French about possible restrictions on airplane flights to combat global warming and prevent resource depletion.

Most French people said they were willing to reduce the number of their flights.

In a survey by the French CSA (Consumer Science & Analytics) institute, 64% of French people aged 18 and over said they favor reducing the use of aircraft in the medium term for environmental reasons (including 40% wholly in favor). This proportion reaches a maximum of 72% if we focus on people under 35, and 77% of French people using a plane (17% of French people surveyed do not fly).

The proposal to limit each person to four plane trips in their lifetime is being received quite well, with 41% of French people in favor of it.

Residents of 4 countries supported this measure along with the French: the USA (31%), Canada (14%), Japan (13%) and Australia (11%).


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