Renowned investor predicts US dollar collapse amid BRICS Crypto rumors

10:24 14.05.2024 •

Amid warnings of a major impending financial crash, renowned investor and author of the bestseller personal finance book 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' Robert Kiyosaki (photo) has shared his views on why the United States dollar, among others, may suffer, as a new currency threatens its global domination.

“Currently in South Africa a country I love. Watching and listening to rumors of what will happen when BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa produce BRICS crypto, possibly backed by gold. If BRICS gold crypto happens trillions in fake money, fiat US dollars…” — Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki). May 12, 2024.

To clarify what the context was, this is Kiyosaki in South Africa, "watching and listening to rumors of what will happen when BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa — produce BRICS Crypto — possibly backed by gold," he shared with his followers in a post published May 12.

According to the renowned finance educator, in the event that this happens, it means that it is a possibility of losing value to the US dollar and hyperinflation in the US. He was advising to buy other kinds of assets to protect themselves from the crash; these are gold, silver, and bitcoin (BTC):

"If BRICS Gold Crypto happens, Gold and Silver should be SCREAMING BUYS cause trillions of fake money, fiat US dollars will come rushing home to America taking down real estate and stock markets. Gold and silver retain value. Best buy real gold and silver today. As well, best buy Bitcoin, the new 21st Century Gold."

For the records, Kiyosaki has been stepping up doomsday warnings of late, insistent that the crash has already started, since it literally means the end of the American dollar, and the situation is in fact only getting worse, "because our debt keeps going up," with the demise of the dollar being the primary reason to accumulate the above assets.

More recently, he claimed that most people were living in "Disneyland" instead of preparing for the crisis using a strategy he believes is the best — starting their own business, using debt as money to buy cash-flowing assets such as rental properties and saving gold, silver, and the maiden cryptocurrency.


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