Russian Ambassador to US: Putin made decision on response to Kiev’s incursion

9:52 24.08.2024 •

Anatoly Antonov.
Photo: TASS

The Russian government has made up its mind about the response to the Kiev government’s incursion into Russia’s borderline region of Kursk, and the retaliation will be tough, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has told reporters, TASS informs.

"I’m telling you sincerely that [Russian] President [Vladimir Putin] has made the decision. I am firmly convinced that all those responsible will be punished heavily for the events in the Kursk Region," the diplomat said.

The Ukrainian military’s operation in the Kursk Region will not lead to the creation of any ‘buffer zone’ on the territory of Russia, the country’s Anatoly Antonov said.

Commenting on Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh's remarks and Kiev's statements on the topic, the diplomat said: "This is impossible. There will be no buffer zone on the territory of Russia."

At the same time, he warned that Moscow is not going to consult Washington on how to act to expel the Ukrainian armed forces from the Kursk Region.

"I want to say that the Americans continue their line of, you know, balancing on the edge of war and peace. They are constantly testing our tolerance, including with their arms deliveries [to Kiev]. And I think they are trying to provoke us to some emotional, quick decisions," Antonov emphasized.

He reiterated his confidence that Washington could put an end to the Ukrainian military’s operation in the Kursk Region "with a snap of the fingers." "If they (the Americans - TASS) deem it expedient and necessary to do so," the ambassador pointed out. "Naturally, the Americans are fighting to maintain a unipolar world in which they are in charge, in which they ‘rule the universe.' <...> They want to preserve their supposed leadership," Antonov told reporters.

"I am firmly convinced that Kiev does nothing without an okay from its [Western] masters. Given how many advisers are around Zelensky, what <...> power is given to Zelensky's regime, to say that here (in Washington - TASS) they do not know about anything... They (the Ukrainian armed forces - TASS) simply would not dare to lift a finger, to point a machine gun in our direction without Washington's consent! Or at least they wouldn't be sure that any of their actions would be supported by Western countries," the ambassador added.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 4,700 servicemen and 68 tanks since the start of fighting in the Kursk area. The operation to destroy Ukrainian formations is ongoing.

Russian diplomats see no possibility to negotiate on anything with the current US administration, the country’s Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov told reporters.

"How is it possible to negotiate on anything with the Americans today? They are lying about the fact that they knew nothing about Kursk, about the policy of [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky. When we see actions that are aimed at making us, Russians, feel bad, so that we are killed more, so that people suffer," Antonov emphasized.

In addition, he said, the question arises about "with whom to negotiate when the [US presidential] elections are held in November." Antonov opined that even if the Democrats remain in power, "there will be a change of team." "Well, we have no guarantee, and there will be no guarantee that this line will be continued," the diplomat emphasized, estimating that it "will take more than one year" to revise the US "military approaches."

"The Republicans will come - it will be a different situation," the ambassador pointed out, noting that "this situation is very similar to the Iranian problem." According to him, "the Iranians do not want to negotiate" with the US "because there is no predictability." "The issue of strategic stability is too serious to take quick and reckless steps," he said.


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