Russian Foreign Ministry statement: “Through the unrelenting shelling of civilian infrastructure in our country, the Ukrainian Armed Forces seek to disrupt the election”

18:09 17.03.2024 •

Russian Foreign Ministry statement regarding the Kiev regime’s terrorist actions during the presidential election in the Russian Federation:

“The neo-Nazi Kiev regime continues to display its criminal and terrorist identity for the whole world to see.

Over the past two days, the intense shelling of the Belgorod Region has resulted in the deaths of two people and injuries to 19 others.

On March 16, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used a UAV to drop a bomb on a polling station in Blagoveshchenka, Zaporozhye Region.

Over the past week, the neo-Nazis in Kiev have systematically subjected residential neighbourhoods in Donetsk to artillery shelling and drone attacks, targeting kindergartens, schools, and healthcare facilities and leaving 11 victims, including three children. Attacks were also carried out on border districts of the Kursk Region, killing two people and severely wounding two more. In Rozhdestvenka, Belgorod Region, two residents died, and one sustained shrapnel wounds.

Sabotage and reconnaissance units staffed by Ukrainian fighters have stepped up their attempts to penetrate the Russian territory, but the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have effectively repelled these attacks.

It is obvious that it was the presidential election currently underway in Russia which prompted the corrupt Kiev regime to step up its terrorist activity in order to show its Western patrons its proactive position and ask for more financial aid and lethal weapons.

Through the unrelenting shelling of civilian infrastructure in our country, the Ukrainian Armed Forces seek to disrupt the election and prevent civilians from expressing their will, intimidate people and deny them the opportunity to cast their ballots.

The Foreign Ministry firmly condemns the brutal crimes committed by the Kiev regime, which deliberately targets civilians and civilian infrastructure. We will make sure that all attempts to use terrorist tactics to influence the election are documented, thoroughly investigated, and that their perpetrators face severe and inevitable punishment.

We are certain that residents of the Russian regions bordering Ukraine will not give in to the provocations by the Kiev regime and will not hesitate to come to the polling stations to cast their ballots for their chosen presidential candidate.”


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