Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement regarding the assassination of Secretary-General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah: “This is yet another political assassination committed by Israel, and Russia condemns it with great resolve”

21:31 28.09.2024 •

Foreign Ministry’s statement regarding the assassination of Secretary-General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah:

“In the evening of September 27, the Israeli Air Force delivered a series of heavy air bomb strikes against a densely populated district in the south of Beirut.

According to the IDF, it targeted Hezbollah’s main operational headquarters. On the same day, the Israeli Air Force carried out a massive bombing of the Lebanon capital’s southern neighbourhoods under the pretext that weapons depots were located there. The result was a complete destruction of residential buildings, which were literally levelled to the ground. Dozens of civilians were wounded. The exact death toll has yet to be established. Debris removal is currently in progress.

In the morning of September 28, the Israeli military command officially announced that the Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah had been killed as a result of the operation. The organisation itself confirmed the death of the leader who had been heading it for over 30 years.

This is yet another political assassination committed by Israel, and Russia condemns it with great resolve.

This forceful action has the potential to entail even more dramatic consequences for Lebanon and the Middle East in general. Israel was definitely aware of this danger. Nevertheless, it took this step and started killing Lebanese citizens, which will almost inevitably provoke a new outburst of violence. Therefore, it bears full responsibility for the ensuing escalation.

Once again, we are insistently calling on Israel to stop the hostilities immediately. This would make it possible to cease the bloodshed and create conditions for a political and diplomatic settlement.

In the current explosive situation, responsible members of the international community must do everything in their power to prevent the region from plunging into a full-scale armed confrontation.”


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