Russian State Duma appealed to world Parliaments: “The US military-biological activities pose a danger to all Mankind”

10:11 16.02.2023 • Vladimir Kozin , Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences

Biological labs are found in Ukraine by the Russian armed forces.
Photo: Al Mayadeen

Members of the State Duma adopted an Appeal by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the world Parliaments in connection with the US military biological activity outside its territory. The Appeal was made public on February 14, 2023.

The document was prepared by the Parliamentary Commission on Investigation into the Activities of the US Biological Laboratories on the Territory of Ukraine, which concluded that the US biological programme is being implemented and funded by the Pentagon and is of a secret and military-applied nature.

“The parliamentary investigation that we initiated into the activities of biological laboratories in Ukraine is becoming more important in the world, and, without exaggeration, interest in it is very high,” said the Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya.

The Appeal emphasizes that the preliminary findings of the Commission were proved by the facts published in the report on the activities of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA, Pentagon’s agency) in Ukraine. The report was published after the request of the US public organization Judicial Watch.

“The US Department of Defense collects especially dangerous pathogenic microorganisms for further research in its specialized scientific centers, selects genetic material, studies features of the immune system of the local population in order to determine reaction of a human body to the impact of various pathogens that can be used as potential agents of biological weapons… Their use can be disguised as natural outbreaks of infectious diseases,” emphasizes the Appeal.

According to the estimates of parliamentarians, there are about 400 dual-purpose biolaboratories controlled by Washington located on the territories of other states.

“In connection with the “new mission” announced by the DTRA, all countries of the world should be concerned about the real and thoroughly concealed goals and objectives of the Pentagon aimed at collecting and studying highly dangerous pathogens with the use of the Pathogen Access Control System (PACS) created by the Agency, which is secret organization and is managed solely by the US Department of Defense,” the document specifies.

In this regard, the Federal Assembly calls on the parliaments of countries where US-controlled biological laboratories are located to “give a legal and political assessment of the agreements that national health services signed with the US Department of Defense.”

Russian deputies and senators call on parliamentarians of all countries of the world to analyze the facts and threats that pose a danger not only to the states where the US biological laboratories are located, but also to all mankind.

According to the Russian parliamentarians, their foreign colleagues “can and should urge the US Congress to make public all information about the military-applied projects being implemented by the US Department of Defense that violate the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their destruction.”

“We can state with full confidence that the special operation being conducted by the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine made it possible to reveal the most dangerous military biological projects that the US is currently implementing in the world. We invite the parliaments of other countries, first of all, to start caring about protecting the lives, health and safety of their citizens, as well as about their own sovereign security and global security of the whole world,” emphasized Irina Yarovaya.

- Over 250,000 signed Petition calling Germany to stop arming Ukraine. The authors of the petition suggest that negotiating does not mean surrendering, and that engaging in talks may help prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths. A quarter of a million people have signed an online petition urging German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to stop increasing the flow of weapons to Ukraine and to push for a peaceful resolution of the conflict instead.

The Petition, started on by German politician Sahra Wagenknecht and journalist Alice Schwarzer, accrued over 250,000 signatures about two days since its creation.

The Petition’s authors argue that Ukraine is going to end up a “depopulated, devastated country” soon if the fighting there continues, and insist that Kiev has no chance of prevailing against the “world's largest nuclear power.”

“We call on the Chancellor to stop the escalation in arms deliveries. Now! He should lead a strong alliance for a ceasefire and peace negotiations at both German and European level,” the petition states. “Now! Because every lost day costs up to 1,000 more human lives – and brings us closer to a 3rd World War.”

- Musk blocked Starlink system for Ukrainian Army. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has confirmed the Ukrainian military won’t be allowed to use the company’s Starlink Internet satellites for combat purposes for fear of being an accomplice to the start of World War III. Musk gave the confirmation amid an exchange on Twitter, which he also bought last year, with former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly.

“Starlink is the communication backbone of Ukraine, especially at the front lines, where almost all other internet connectivity has been destroyed,” Musk replied. “But we will not enable escalation of conflict that may lead to WW3.”

Starlink is a network of more than 3,500 low Earth orbit satellites offering high-speed Internet access. SpaceX started launching them in 2019 and it presently provides service in 48 countries.

Included in its terms of use is the clause: “Starlink is not designed or intended for use with or in offensive or defensive weaponry or other comparable end-uses.”


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