The Indonesian Parliament is eager to joint BRICS

11:21 01.09.2023 •

"We hope that Indonesia will soon be able to join the BRICS membership, although President Jokowi said that he will still review its membership in the BRICS," Bangar Saeed Abdullah (photo), chairman of the Indonesian Parliament, said at a working meeting with the government.

The budget committee of the People's Congress (Parliament) of the Republic of Indonesia pushed the country's leadership to join the economic bloc BRICS. It is argued that Indonesia's membership in an alliance of developing countries offers a number of benefits.

Said said that Indonesia is interested in joining the BRICS in order to make the world economy more fair and sustainable. In particular, support for Indonesia's policy on the active development of processing and the development of settlements in local currency.

“The spirit of BRICS should be Indonesia's new hope for increasing economic growth, reducing dependence on the US dollar and promoting investment, providing cheap development finance, and new export markets,” Said said.

Said warned the government to be wary of the economic downturn in China, Japan and the United States (USA), as the three countries are strategic trading partners. "We should be wary of the world's three economic giants. According to the World Bank, China, Japan and the US will still slow down the economy next year," he said.

Indonesia's accession to the BRICS would reduce Indonesia's dependence on these developed countries.

Regarding the possibility of Indonesia joining the BRICS, President Joko Widodo said earlier that he would first ‘explore the possibility.’ The President did not want this decision to make in a hurry.


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