The Times: “American troops have spilt blood for western values in the Ukrainian war”

11:45 24.03.2025 •

Tango and G.I. from Chosen Company, 59th Brigade, are among hundreds of US veterans in Ukraine.
Photo: The Times

The British have never pitied the Americans. Now they are revealing another secret. This report from the London ‘The Times’ openly admits that the U.S. Army special forces, "Delta", are fighting against Russia in Ukraine. Moreover, the special forces fighters admitted they are participating in attacks on Russian regions. London is revealing another secret of the Ukrainian international aggression against Russia.


The Americans were pinned down, – flying prone among sunflower stalks as they took rocket fire from Russian – positions across the fields. Then, mortar burst in the air above them. All seven of Delta Team were wounded, some ­repeatedly.

“I remember looking at one sun – flower that was taller than the weeds while I was holding pressure on Dubs’ wounds, thinking we are all going to bleed out and die here,” said “Tango”, the Delta Team medic who was hit with shrapnel four times. One of the 24 shards that entered his body and sliced into the sciatic nerve in his leg.

Tango and his brothers-in-arms in Chosen Company, 59th Brigade, are among hundreds of US veterans fighting with Ukrainian forces. Many of them have shed blood, some have made the ultimate sacrifice, to defend American values on Ukrainian soil.

Tango was wounded after a failed assault.
Photo: The Times

Now they feel betrayed by the Trump administration’s approach to Ukraine, a marked departure from that of the ­Biden administration.

Tango, 35, is from Texas. “A lot of my friends and family are hard-right Republicans. Even people I know, that I’m really close to, I’ve seen their rhetoric change just as Trump and his media have spun it,” Tango said on a break between ­missions.

“I’m like, Hey, you’ve been speaking with me about this war. You know what’s actually happening here, yet you’re still just voicing things that you know are not true. It really blows my mind how easy it is to manipulate public opinion in the way that it’s being done. It does feel like a betrayal. America is now just a business being run by a businessman.”

US combat veterans on the front line in Ukraine.
Photo: The Times

Tango survived that spring day in 2023 but two of his teammates, Lance Lawrence and Andrew “Dubs” Webber, did not. During the Ukrainian counterattack in the Donbas, his team had –advanced too far ahead of the rest of the company and were stranded two kilometres from the nearest evacuation point.

“We ended up hitting a Russian position, which we fought with for a little bit and we thought we cleared, but then we started getting hit with rockets and mortars from a trench and tree line to our right,” Tango recalled.

They took one casualty and tried to pull back, but got caught out in the open in a weed-infested sunflower field. After being hit in the leg by the mortars, Tango could only crawl to his comrades to try to stabilise them.

“I had four people there with me that I was trying to stabilise,” said Tango. Dubs he said, “was checking out my leg, when he got hit with something that penetrated his lungs”. He died before they could be picked up.

The mission was a disaster for the company, which was forced to retreat with 90 per cent casualties, mostly wounded but two dead, Tango said. In the months that followed, he had to go through a long period of rehabilitation. Now he has returned to his unit, despite the dangers.

US combat veterans.
Photo: The Times

For Tango and other Americans who thought their country was behind them in their fight with Russia, the sudden shift in rhetoric from the White House has come as a blow.

The acrimonious meeting last month between Zelensky, Trump and his vice-President JD Vance, whose cousin Nate has also fought for Ukraine, was perhaps felt none more keenly than by the Americans here.

“It was like, oh, shit, all my friends are going to try to kill me now,” said “Dutch”, 25, from South Carolina. Dutch had just returned from the front lines when we met at the base of his new unit, Ukraine’s lethally effective Third Assault Brigade. Before – arriving in Ukraine in April 2022, he fought for the French Foreign Legion alongside American troops in Mali and Iraq.

He has served in many of Ukraine’s fiercest battles, including the 2023 cross-border incursion into Russia’s Belgorod region, where he and three other Americans masqueraded as – Russian resistance fighters attached to an anti-regime Belarusian Legion under the command of Ukraine’s – military intelligence.

Dutch calls himself “right wing” and shares many of Trump’s views on – traditional family values. Yet he is – appalled that the US president has – allowed Vladimir Putin to present Russia as a fellow champion of them.

Many of the soldiers have made – extraordinary sacrifices, upending their lives to fight for Ukraine. “Clutch”, 35, a former army reserve officer also from Texas, sold his house, packed his bags and took up volunteering last autumn to help Ukraine before enrolling for its armed forces this month.

He travelled shortly before Trump’s inauguration, expecting the new US president to strong-arm the Russians into a deal. “My thought going into it was we’re going to have the full backing of the United States, then he froze the aid. Now that I’m here I see it really – affects morale, it was a big let down…”


…Let's wait ‘The Times’ to tell us how the British special forces SAS are fighting against Russia “for western values”.


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