UK diplomatic and consular missions in Russian cities acted "on the verge of blatant interference in the internal affairs" of Russia

10:04 20.03.2024 •

UK Foreign Minister David Cameron's (photo) statements on the outcome of the Russian presidential election are biased and hypocritical, the Russian Embassy in London said.

"Foreign Office chief David Cameron made a deliberately biased assessment of the outcome of the March 15-17 presidential election in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that over the past few days British officials have surpassed themselves in terms of hypocritical statements that were designed to discredit the free expression of the will of the Russian people," the Embassy said in a statement, quoted by TASS.

The Embassy also said that UK diplomatic and consular missions in Russian cities acted "on the verge of blatant interference in the internal affairs" of Russia, and essentially incited people to spoil ballots.

"David Cameron's unacceptable arguments about the ‘undemocratic’ nature of the election can be interpreted as nothing but evidence of London's despair. After all, the plans of the collective West to ‘change the behavior’ of our country by destabilizing it have failed. The outcome of the voting has convincingly demonstrated the maturity and cohesion of Russian society and its comprehensive support for the foreign policy course of our country's leadership. It is apparently this realization that causes such a nervous reaction of the UK establishment," the Embassy said.

Russian diplomats also called on London to "abandon confrontational logic and the stirring of anti-Russian hysteria." They also urged the UK to stop supporting "the Ukrainian military, which is savoring its strikes on the new constituent regions of the Russian Federation."

The Embassy told the UK to shift its attention from "absurd attacks on Russia" to the fact that Ukraine carried out strikes on such non-military sites as polling stations.


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