Ukraine chronicle: It is NATO genocide war against Eastern Slav nations

12:12 31.01.2023 • Vladimir Kozin , Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences

Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian State Duma, noted “the direct participation of the USA in combat operations in Ukraine.” He noted that the US military instructors and mercenaries are there in order to save the Kiev regime and for fear of losing its colony in Europe.

So, NATO countries are waging a multifaceted direct war against Russia. The bellicose and provocative statement made publicly by Annalena Baerbock, German Foreign Minister, at the PACE session on January 24 that “…we are fighting a war against Russia…”, where “we” can be interpreted as the Germany or NATO or Europe, evoked many debates as to what is really happening in Ukraine.

No doubt, that such countries that regularly supply heavy weapons to the Nazi regime in Kiev may well be characterized as “aggressors” or as countries that are waging a multifaceted direct war against Russia. They include the majority of NATO member-states (29 from 30 in the full list), and nearly 20 that are not considered as NATO participants.

Earlier it was called as ‘undeclared war” against Russia. Since Baerbock’s statement it clearly became “a declared war’ against Russia.

Why such war is called as a multifaceted direct war?

A) In terms of military-technical and military-political factors:

- It is called as such because it is unleashed with the use of heavy NATO-made offensive weapons.

- It is coordinated by NATO HQ.

- It is supplied with NATO intelligence, including that collected by space-based assets.

- It is financed by NATO.

- It is staffed with NATO military men. All US-made MLRS HIMERS are operated by exclusively the US GIs.

- The German and the US tanks that are to be sent to Ukraine in violation of the OSCE rules will be initially operated by the FRG and the US servicemen.

B) In terms of other factors, it is called as a multifaceted direct war because it is a religious war against Russia conducted by Ukraine against Orthodox Christianity.

It is a genocide war against Eastern Slav nations – Ukrainians and Russians.

Ukrainian and NATO leaders intend to eliminate more Ukrainians and Russians because they speak Russian language, profess Orthodox Christianity, have their own ethnic culture and traditions, different assessment of historic events of the past, bravely fought with Nazi Germany in 1941-1945, and now do not agree with western rules values imposed on them.

What are the phases of the NATO/non-NATO aggression against Russia?

A proxy war involving Ukraine started since April 2014. The first one began when Kiev decided to attack Donbass, the second took place after the second part of the Minsk Agreement was reached in March 2015, and the third stage started on February 14, 2022.

A combined direct Ukrainian-NATO aggression against Russia began on February 14, 2022, when Zelensky ordered to attack Donbass on a massive scale.

On February 18, 2022 millions of Ukrainian refugees rushed into Western Europe and Russia seeking shelter and escaping from Ukrainian attacks.

Russia launched the Special Military Operation (SMO) in response to Ukrainian aggression on February 24, 2022.

What are the current results of the Ukrainian-NATO war against Russia?

- blowing up regional and global strategic stability;

- spoiling  relations between the USA and Russia/the PRC;

- the heightened risk of unleashing a nuclear war;

- militarization of global societies;

- growing neo-Nazism;

- lack of energy resources in Europe;

- disruption of normal trade and human contacts;

- declining in living standards of the majority of people;

- economy and agriculture in Ukraine have been destroyed considerably;

- millions of Ukrainian refugees went to the Eastern Europe and Russia;

- Armed Forces of Ukraine blackmailed Europeans and the world by heavily shelling Zaporozhye NPP;

- after losing five territories in Ukraine its Armed Forces are shelling Donbass and other provinces that joined Russia every day, specifically targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, etc. Meanwhile positive results are gained by military-industrial complexes and warmongers in NATO countries.


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