USA planning to overthrow Georgian government and orchestrate a new “color revolution” in Georgia

12:31 19.09.2024 • Yuri Larin , journalist

The Americans are planning a new “colour revolution” in Georgia. According to the press center of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service quoting incoming  reports, “the White House is extremely dissatisfied with the developments in Georgia in the run-up to parliamentary elections on October 26".

“As the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reports, the US State Department intends to resort to a new instrument of interference in parliamentary elections in Georgia on October 26”, - the statement says.

To this end, Georgia’s pro-western NGOs are recruiting a large number of volunteers «for keeping a close eye on the voting». They are assigned to register “the imminent facts” of the authorities using the administrative resource. And then….


As the statement says, the “Tbilisi Maidan” is to make public “evidence of falsification” at the voting, announce non-recognition of the election outcomes and demand a change of power. Law enforcers will be provoked into using force to suppress the protests.


"Besides, the Americans are considering variants of “fierce” political and economic response to the “disproportionate” use of force against “the civilian population” on the part of the authorities, - the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service reports.

According to the statement, the ruling Georgian Dream Party has good chances to receive a convincing support from the population in the October 26 elections, since the opposition, despite efforts by the Americans, remains split while the coalitions formed by different forces remain extremely fragile. This, as the USA believes, creates the potential for the ruling party to continue a sovereign policy and refuse to “act on the demands of the West, which run counter to the national interests of Georgia”.

"The White House deems such a scenario as unacceptable. The Americans intend to dramatically increase pressure on the Georgian authorities in the weeks before the elections in order to considerably weaken the electoral positions of the Georgian Dream”, - the Foreign Intelligence Service reports.          

“Washington’s plans are evident and no longer surprise – the US wants to provide the pro-western Georgian opposition with an excuse for launching mass protests with a view to seize power by force”, - the agency’s report says.


The agency’s representatives point out that in this case the USA relies heavily on the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which is expected to «protect democratic institutions».

Washinton is planning to use ODIHR to prevent the ruling Georgian Dream Party from winning in parliamentary elections. Under the plan, the OSCE agency is to publish an interim report 10–20 days before the voting. The document will claim that Georgia has no conditions for free and fair elections. After the first results of the voting ODIHR will announce that the election process was at odds with democracy standards. This should trigger mass rallies in Tbilisi. ODIHR’s participation in the attempts to influence parliamentary elections in Georgia proves that the OSCE’s agency has turned into “a horn of wicked games by the American authorities”.

Earlier reports by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said that the USA will seek a change of government in Georgia after parliamentary elections. The incumbent American administration has devised a large-scale information campaign designed to discredit the ruling Georgian Dream Party.


The attempts by the West to meddle in the domestic affairs of Georgia are not new. Parliamentary Speaker Shalva Papuashvili has published a statement in social networks accusing the USA of an attempt to organize a coup in Georgia in 2020. The politician argues that the US Embassy and the American USAID knew about falsification of the results of the parallel vote count, held in the course of the previous parliamentary elections by NGO “For Fair Elections” but kept silent on it, trying to play along with the opposition. The Speaker is sure that the USA will act along the same lines in the October elections this year.

Tbilisi saw far worse times – late 1991 and early 1992 witnessed the events, when building in the center of the city were burning after explosions and when Tbilisi became a real theatre of war. A total deficit of everything swept across the country accompanied by life without light and gas with people rushing to neighboring Turkey for essential products or spending nights queuing for bread, risking being killed in occasional skirmishes. Armed gangs ran loose across the country freely robbing people and kidnapping fellow residents for ransom.


It all started with a dramatic upsurge of confrontation between the government and the opposition in August 1991, just four months after Georgia was declared independent. The then President Zviad Gamsakhurdia, backed by the West, used the 1991 Soviet coup d’etat attempt in Moscow to try to neutralize the National Guards headed by Tengiz Kitovani. The latter would not obey and refused to come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As passions ran higher and higher, December saw an armed rebellion. Gamsakhurdia was hiding in the bunker of the House of Government (now Parliament building in Tbilisi) looking cornered, while rebellious Kitovani and “Mkhedrioni” units led by Jaba Ioseliani attacked government forces in the very center of the capital with heavy weapons.                                     

On January 6, 1992 President Zviad Gamsakhurdia, who got 87 percent of the votes two years before, was toppled and deported out of the country.

The Georgian society split and a civil war followed, throwing Georgia decades backward. The repercussions of the events are still making themselves felt. The rebellion on Rustaveli Prospekt in Tbilisi grew into a large Caucasian unrest in which Russia too was finally forced to get involved.


That’s why, remembering the dangerous consequences of catastrophic injections of nationalism and West-incited pseudo-liberal values, it is essential to prevent the developments from getting out of hand.

Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakliy Kobakhidze, who, according to the Constitution, possesses the full power in the country, said as he spoke on “Imedi” Television that the authorities had unmasked a scheme which the USA is planning to resort to after a vote count in the parliamentary elections on October 26.


“President Salome Zurabishvili will announce the official election results falsified, the opposition will start protests and will call for changing the government by force. It will be supported by the “global party of war” from the USA and the EU, whose purpose is to open a second front against Russia in the Caucasus», - the prime minister said.


In the run-up to the  election, the Georgian opposition has already been backed by the Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which operates under the US Congress (the so-called Helsinki Commission).  

“The Georgian people have opted for an independent, democratic future in which Georgia is part of Euro-Atlantic institutions, - the Commission’s statement says, promising an all-round support in “fighting for democracy”.  

The Helsinki Commission’s statement has been already condemned by Georgian MPs, who dubbed it as “a direct interference in the domestic processes in Georgia” and threatened to “take measures in response”.

Meanwhile, there have been statements saying that President Salome Zurabishvili will run for a second term while the nomination of the founder of the ruling party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, is not on the agenda.

Significantly, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service’s statement describes a Washington-designed scenario under which Russia will “be accused” of the failure of the European integration of Georgia, while “the key role in fueling anti-government sentiments should be played by President Zurabishvili”, who is preparing “a political surprise for the Georgian Dream” from the opposition. There are also plans to intentionally eliminate participants in protest rallies in order to cause public rage.

Zurabishvili describes the election day as “the country’s salvation day”.                                 

Parliamentary elections in Georgia, scheduled for October 26, will take place amid the unprecedented foreign interference, directed against the Georgian Dream, which keeps the historical memory of the times when the country was on the verge of an abyss. It could be this that led the incumbent Georgian authorities to demonstrate a reasonable view on the policies imposed from the outside. Hence the negative reaction of western capitals to the policies by Tbilisi, the geopolitical role of which has increased considerably of late. The Georgian authorities have expressed confidence that foreign interference will prove powerless to influence the election results or the sovereign policy Georgia has opted for.  

Whether the assurances are right will become clear on October 26.


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