With 78% of dissatisfied in France, Macron's popularity continues to collapse

11:22 21.10.2024 •

Macron with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman several days ago...

In the monthly Ifop/JDD barometer for the ‘Journal du Dimanche’, Emmanuel Macron continues to sink with a popularity rating of 22%, or 78% of dissatisfied (+ 3 points).

The tenant of the Élysée is thus getting closer to the poor polls of his predecessor. In the fall of 2014, this barometer gave only 13% of people satisfied with François Hollande.

The 22% reached by Emmanuel Macron also makes him equal the score of François Mitterand in September 1991.

In the JDD, Frédéric Dabi, head of Ifop, points out the speed at which Emmanuel Macron is sinking: "He has lost 9 points since May, the last study carried out before the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution."

Above all, the head of state can count less and less on his electoral base. "Those over 65 are now only 24% to support him (-6) and retirees 23% (-6)", indicates the weekly.

In this survey, even if he also falls, Michel Barnier still manages to save the furniture. The Prime Minister thus garners 40% of satisfaction...


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