The original version of the article (in Russian) can be submitted to the editors of the journal as a printed out copy (with the date and signature of the author) and in electronic format (the first separate file on CD-ROM / by e-mail) containing text in “Microsoft Word” format (version 1997-2003).
All text should be typed using Times New Roman Cyr font, type size 12pt, with line spacing of one and a half. The indents at the beginning of paragraphs should be 0.7 cm, the paragraphs should be clearly marked. Margins (in cm): 2 on the left and on top, 1.5 on the right and on the bottom. Page numbering – center alignment from the first page. The size of the article should be not more than 15-16 thousand characters with spaces (including annotations, keywords, notes, references).
Text structure:
The initials and the last name in the text should be typed with a hard space (simultaneous pressing of “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “Space”). There should be no space between the initials.
Abbreviations like “i.e.” should be typed with a hard space.
The text uses quotation marks "...", if there are internal and external quotations, then the double quotation marks "…" should be used around the external ones, and the single quotation marks '...' - around the internal ones.
The text uses a long dash (–) (simultaneous pressing "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "-"), as well as a hyphen (-).
Tables, diagrams, figures and formulas in the text should be numbered; diagrams and tables should have headings above a diagram or a table field, and each figure should have a caption.
The list of used references (including electronic resources) should be done in accordance with accepted standards and given after the article. Sources should be given in alphabetical order (Russian, other languages). References to the list in the main text should be given in square brackets [source number in the list, page].
Notes should be numbered with Arabic numerals (using the menu button “superior character” of the text editor – x2). Automatic “footnotes” of a text editor should not be used when formatting sources, notes and references. A “footnote” should be given on the 1 page when indicating the continuation of the article and/or the source of publication.
Figure captions should be formatted according to the scheme: title/file number of the illustration – description (what/who is depicted, where; for images of book covers and their contents – bibliographic description; etc.). File numbers in the list should correspond to the titles/numbers of the provided photo materials.
Materials in English – information about author/authors, title of an article, abstract, keywords – printed out and in electronic format (second separate file on CD / by e-mail) containing text in the “Microsoft Word” format (version 1997-2003).
Illustrative materials – in electronic format (author's photo is required, illustrations) - as separate files in TIFF/JPG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Illustrations imported into “Microsoft Word”, as well as their photocopies are not allowed.
For all images author should provide captions (included in the file with the original text).
Completed Author's Commissioning Agreement in electronic format (should be additionally sent).
The letter of recommendation from a scientific supervisor is required for publication of articles by postgraduate students and applicants.
Authors of articles are responsible for the content of the articles and for the fact of their publication.
The editors do not always share the views of the authors and are not responsible for the inaccuracy of published data.
The editors of the journal do not take any responsibility for possible harm caused by the publication of an article to the authors and/or third parties and organizations.
The editors have the right to withdraw an already published article if it turns out that during the publication of the article someone’s rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics were violated.
The editors inform the author who submitted the article, the reviewer and the organization where the work was carried out about the fact of withdrawal of the article.
Postgraduate students are not charged for publishing manuscripts.
Articles, provided CDs and other materials are not subjected to return. Articles formatted without taking into account the Requirements above will not be accepted.
The requirements were developed according to recommendations set out in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2014, № 793.
Materials can be submitted in electronic format by e-mail on the address indicated on the website of the journal. In the accompanying letter, the author indicates that he or she has read and accept the submission requirements for articles sent for publication in the journal.