Scholz Putting a Brake on Recession in Germany, Recession Putting a Brake on Scholz
Berlin puzzle: speculating about Trump but looking to Harris
Will the battle against migrants become a magic wand for Scholz?
USA ‘passes’ Ukraine crisis over to Europe: problems and strategies
Poland feels bitter: Ukraine walked off to the Germans?
Does Zeitenwende stand up to reality?
Germany’s new China strategy
Poland vs Germany: staking on Ukraine
The future of Orthodox shrine in Gifhorn (Germany)
Historical memory and the force of interpretation: how narratives reflect on foreign policy
11:35 03.03.2025Echo of the Scandal in the White House Oval Office
11:32 03.03.2025America’s Sugar and Spice Do Not Make for Everything Nice
11:32 03.03.2025Paul Craig Roberts: “A Change in U.S. foreign policy from Lies to Truth, from War to Peace”
11:31 03.03.2025Russia’s Investigative Committee Chairman: “European politicians must answer for Russian deaths at the hands of Ukrainian forces”
11:29 03.03.2025London has decided to fight Russia ‘until victory’? That means - until Russia's Victory!